Dienstag, 28. Oktober 2014

Halloween around the world

Halloween around the world
40 minutes
B2, C1 (the text is quite difficult)
reading and speaking

I haven't done this lesson yet but I'm sharing it now since it's only relevant this week.

Preparation: Download and print the text and the worksheet for each student, download this video from YouTube.

Warmer (5 min): Teacher shows the "LEGO - Halloween Special 2014" video and asks students what they think about the video and has them guess what the lesson is about
Core materials (20): Students read texts about Halloween traditions in different countries and do the vocabulary exercise and the quiz by themselves first, then compare answers with their neighbour. Teacher asks students for words they don't know and explains a few. Then discusses the answers to the exercises.
Communicative exercise (15 min): Students discuss the discussion questions in groups of four, then teacher collects answers with everyone for a few minutes.

We'll see how it goes...let me know what you think.

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